Zillion eLearning

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Do you really need custom eLearning for your corporate training? Top 5 Reasons to make you certain.

The concept of eLearning has exploded in popularity over the past few years and the idea of transforming training from traditional to digital has widely been accepted. The increasing amount of revenue and ROI has led to 77% of the corporate organizations to use learning for corporate training. The increase in eLearning adaption has also increased the problem of choosing which training course should they invest in.

When searched online, we usually come across two types of eLearning courses;

•             Off-the-shelf courses.

•             Custom (Bespoke) eLearning courses.

Off-the-shelf courses are Pre-built courses ready to be delivered to a wide audience in a comparatively faster time. The idea of spending minimum budget on corporate courses might be alluring for some, but it should also be kept in mind that these courses come with a lack of relevant content, learning personalization and the ability to be reused. On the contrary, taking the route of a custom eLearning course will help you achieve the results you expect from a training course. You can include employees in the course development process. Surveying and gathering data about their platform preferences, skill/knowledge gaps, and learning goals will help your client build a strong and relevant bespoke eLearning course.

Here are 5 reasons why you should invest in custom eLearning course development for your corporate training.

Every Organization is Unique

Pre-built courses might contain content related to your organization, but the developers and creators are not aware of your particular needs and the goals you want to achieve. They might include topics that are related to your industry but that does not ensure the promised results.

Every organization is different from the other and so is their learning and developmental needs. Using off-the-shelf courses might be acceptable when training employees of common topics such as desktop skills and general management skills. But using them with an intend to upskill your workforce and compete with other organizations might not be possible. In this case, the best eLearning course to opt for is custom eLearning.

Branding and Content Customization

Custom eLearning course development allows you to personalize different features of the course and align with your brand’s appearance. From fonts, colors, borders, logos and language, every aspect of the course can be personalized to strengthen the brand values and company image. Each slide of the course accurately adheres with your brand and the specific style guide of the organization.

Ease of Content Management and Updates

No piece of knowledge stays relevant for lifetime. At some point, your organization will update the company policies and services, with which the training courses and the content needs to be updated as well. With custom eLearning course development, the courses can be modified and altered according to your objectives in the easiest way possible.

Full Online Course Content Control

While some Learning Management System (LMS) sellers charge per worker, most of them charge for once-a-month payment fees meaning you must pay the amount to avail the course. This results in scheduled payments piling up and creating vast sums in the end. Quite the contrary, huge investments are needed developing a custom eLearning course, but this content will go to the company and be free to use, irrespective of the number of workers and the number of course runs. By choosing an open-source LMS like Open edX, the company can save a lot more money, where they pay only for what they use.

Increased Learners’ Engagement

An efficient corporate training should offer mission-critical skills. A valuable corporate drill is equally amusing and thought-provoking to take part in. The Information valuable for normal work and do it amusingly and interestingly (using renowned staff affiliates as identities, using accustomed scenarios for serious games, using badges for achievements linking with the break of the business ethos, etc.) When the staffs know the drill, they take help and attain something highly related to their present responsibilities, their participation and resolve are much advanced.

Custom eLearning offers huge benefits to organizations and employees alike, from time-saving and cost-cutting to personal growth and development satisfaction.

To find out how Custom eLearning course development can help your organization get started or take the next step with eLearning, get in touch today.

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